So I actually had my first couple of students come in for questions today. I'm pretty sure they left possibly more confused than when they arrived, but I think I learned alot. Mostly I now understand that you must be prepared for any question no matter how bizarre. Is it ok to say to a student, "You should have learned that last semester!"? Cause I think it should be. I just pray that the students don't come to the conclusion that I'm one of the "idiot" TA's and not one of the "wicked smart" TA's. But what the hell, at least I'm getting paid! :)
Here's my sweet photo for the day.
Can anyone say nerd alert?! I still remember the day Mom asked you how an older girl knew you. Your reply? "Mom. I'm Tim Sturtz." How does one regress to putting nerdy graphs on the blog? Did you purposefully retreat from coolness? 'Twas a long fall, my brother. Paradise lost, indeed.
Yes, dear, they are paying you and therin lies the genius...
err...what in the @#*%# does that graph mean?
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