After work, I met up with Noah Fowle to see a movie called "The Situation" about a journalist in Iraq. The subject of the movie was good (showing the Iraq system of trust and why no one can get anywhere there), the acting, well, not so much. The director introduced the movie, though, and it was great to hear some of the backstory.
After the movie we walked by the Fox news channel building and I took a picture of what I can only assume is one of your favorite broadcasters doing his thing:

We met up with Noah's bartender/poet friend at his pub The Four Faced Liar and we jumped in a cab to head to Brooklyn for a country music night. At Buttermilk the rules on country music night are: no more than four choruses and the song must pre-date 1970. They call the night (which happens the last Thursday of every month) CasHank because that's what everyone sings (Cash or Hank). It's basically live kareoke with a full band (violinist, slide guitarist, washboard, etc) It's pretty cool and the singers are pretty serious--it's embarassing if you forget the words. I also saw the ugliest tranvestite ever. She had a mulett and wasn't pulling it off. Then Noah and I got trapped into a conversation with a girl named Sunbo and I've promised to go to one of her dinner parties in a couple of weeks because, according to her, they are "the best" and "everyone knows about them". We heard this as many times (12) as we heard about her nonprofit work and why she doesn't get along with her politician father. We drank our pints of Bass and just nodded
Taking the subway back into Manhattan was a long trip, and I took this picture as we went over a bridge:
Alright, off to work. It's 58 degrees out and it's only 9 am!
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