Mom--I got my shirt in the mail today. Thank you, I love it. Now I have to find nice enough pants to wear it with. I think I'm getting a complex about my clothes. And I think that stems from my two gorgeously-styled roommates. I want to buy nice clothes, I really do, but the whole "Give a mouse cookie" syndrome plays out in my head (buy nice boots, gonna need a pair of tight-fitting jeans, buy pair of tight-fitting jeans, gonna need an upgrade from my American Eagle v-neck sweater circa 1999, etc.) and that's why I don't buy clothes, or boots, or anything else for that matter. Speaking of clothes--Mom, you better be using that phantom gift certificate to JCrew we got you for Christmas. Otherwise, I'm going to actually buy one.
Last night I went out with Nandita and Nicole to the 40/40 Club to watch the NCAA championship. We were set up in "Jay's Room"-- Jay-Z's favorite room in his club. Nicole's future brother-in-law was treating some of his financial clients, that's why we were there. The room had a pool table and signed sports jerseys were hanging up around the room. Of course, none of them were actually attached the wall, only leaning against it, and Nicole almost knocked down a David Beckham-signed jersey 3 times.
Here's a blurry and not-so-good picture of us:

The best part? The food. It was great and greasy. There's a $1500 minimum that you must spend in the room--ridiculous, was my first thought. Second thought was no one was drinking that much and how the hell are we going to reach that? then I saw the costs of our small appetizers (I think I embarrassed Nandita by taking this picture. I aslo flicked tomatoes that fell off my pizza onto the floor--honestly you can't take me anywhere):

But we did see The Man Himself hanging out at his regrettably empty club. But no Beyonce. We walked past him every time we went to the unisex bathroom. When I say "unisex", are you imagining one door that men and women take turns going in and out of? I did. But at the 40/40 Club, you went into a bathroom with four stalls and waited in line with mixed company. I started to go in one, but then the big guy that came out stopped me and said, "No, no, you can't go in there--he can (pointing to the guy behind me)--but not you. Someone blew that stall up right before I went in there." Lovely. And likely story.
Since OSU is allergic to touchdowns, we left at the beginning of the fourth quarter.
So Dad, I hear you get a replacement wheelchair while yours is in the shop. Did you request hydraulics this time? Chrome wheels? Pimp that ride, Dad.
Tim--lovely picture. Andrew--start taking some.
And Tim--I just got an email from Bil Bradley. Can't believe that crazy kid is coming to town for a visit. I imagine he'll know all of the cool spots in his first five minutes and then have to give me a tutorial. I think he'd fit in just fine.